Get Rock Hard Erections Every Time with Hard Rock Capsule

Hard Rock (manufactured by Hashmi Unani Pharmacy a GMP certified company) is made from a mixture of natural plants that have been distilled and blended together in a special way in order to provide the most of the benefits and to avoid all kinds of negative side effects that they can cause the user. Hard Rock is actually formulated from six quite effective herbs that all have a track record of helping men with erectile and other sexual problems. Hard Rock is a fast acting herbal erectile dysfunction capsule that works in the same manner as Viagra, meaning that it starts working in about 15-30 minutes from ingestion where erection starts to occur until it reaches the fullest and hardest possible form. The effects last for about 4-6 hours, thus making it a superb solution for all men who suffer from erectile dysfunction and would love to get rid of it in a quick and safe way! You can contact us at +91-9058429887 or email us at

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